
Prayer is about only one thing. For God's Will to be done.

Prayer is about changing only one thing: To increase our capacity to Love.

Prayer is never about asking God for what you want. Prayer is about asking God for the grace to do what God wants. What does God want? This is not complicated. God wants you to Love when you could choose to hate. God wants you to choose Love and not let your natural desire for pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth, get in the way and stop you from doing the Loving thing. God wants you to give of yourself and not be selfish and self-gratifying. And God also wants you to Love yourself, see your worth, you are Loved by God, respect yourself, be merciful to yourself, not to be too hard on yourself, know yourself, be honest with yourself, and to all you encounter. Prayer is about asking to live in His Presence, in His Love, no matter what awful things are happening. God already knows what hurts you, already knows what you want. Trust that God knows you. Trust that God knows what hurts you. Trust in God's Love for you. Trust in God. This is prayer. These trials come to give us opportunity to give up more of what we hold dear, and turn more to the Love of God, to the dependence of God.

So, we work hard on this Earth to make things better for all, but we accept the trials when they come our way as Jesus shows us in the Garden of Gethsemane, where although suffering, asks that God's Will be done.

Do these trials hurt? Yes, they do. But whatever they are, what is more important to you? God's Love? God's Will? To act with Love? Or to let anger and hate, or lust or greed, or gluttony or pride, or envy or slothfulness, become more important to you and act without Love? What is more important to you?

If we accept the pain that comes with doing the right thing, we accept the cross of Jesus. We are asked daily to carry the cross. It is unusual to have pain all day but if that happens would we want to give up on Love?

Choice. There is always choice.

The Pearl. Focus on the Goal. Focus on God. God gives us Life and God asks for our Life.

And God has given us the freedom to choose what we do. As we are made for Love and as we will all leave this worldly existence sooner or later, why not stay with God.